Cambium PMP450

Cambium PMP450 Series

Release 13.0 brings 3 GHz spectrum:
  • Now available in 3 GHz in addition to 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands
  • 125 Mbps of throughput per AP
  • Dynamic Adaptive Modulation – Up to 256 QAM
  • GPS Synchronization for scalability
  • Low latency to support video and VoIP applications

The Canopy PMP 450 Access Point (AP) provides up to 125 Mbps throughput and can be deployed in multiple rings to provide more than 1 Gbps of throughput. The low latency of the PMP 450 provides access network connectivity for video, VoIP, and data for business and residential connectivity.

Service Providers
  • Rapidly expand customer reach and service offerings by reaching new business and residential subscribers in underserved or unserved areas.
  • Increase revenues by offering high-throughput low-latency services to support video and voice applications.
Private Network Operators
  • Rapidly establish cost-effective links to campus locations or remote branch offices or SOHO locations at a fraction of the cost of leased lines or deploying wireline broadband systems.
  • Build a wireless infrastructure to connect indoor wireless local area network (WLAN), creating a complete wireless IP network for campus connectivity.
Government Network Operators
  • Rapidly establish cost-effective links for public safety, public service, and public access.
  • Rapidly deploy video surveillance and data connectivity for public safety.
  • Create a cost effective data network for public works.